What Is Candid Photography ? - Camrilla

BlogWhat Is Candid Photography ?

What Is Candid Photography ?

Candid Photography is one the most popular Type of Photography these days.

Candid Photography means capture true moment “AS IT IS”. Anything you see you capture the moment as it is.

Without giving pose or without disturbing the on going event you can capture true expressions of people with Candid Photography.

For example. When subject is engaged in some activity then Photographer Captures subjects expression by surprising him or without making him notice or making him conscious.

A candid photograph is a photograph captured without creating a posed appearance.

This is achieved in many ways,for example:

  • when the subject is in motion,
  • by avoiding prior preparation of the subject,
  • by surprising the subject,
  • by not distracting the subject during the process of taking photos.

In this type of Photography , photographer capture original expressions in available light.

In Event such as weddings have unique moments to capture such as Happiness on faces of Bride and Grooms, Excitement of friends and family, Parent’s mix feeling about events, Moment when teary eyed father gives away his daughter to live happily with her groom.

Capturing such live moments is considered under Candid Photography.

Author of this article is Professional photographer.

Author :
Mr. Abhishek Shelar
Contact No: +91 81498 15815
Email Id: abhishekshelarphotography@gmail.com

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