Team Camrilla, Author at Camrilla

Author: Team Camrilla

19th October, 2019

Is your photography business alive online?

No. Then its a serious thing to look at. Clients is the only thing any photography business runs around. Getting new clients and keep retaining the old ones is the basic thing every business owner is concerned about. While getting new clients there are few ways available like. By Reference...

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14th January, 2019

Best Photography tips for Uttarayan Makar Sankranti Kite flying festival

Post By: Varun Patel Website: Uttarayan The kite flying festival of India is here, so every newbie or amature photographers must be searching for some good photography tips, for shooting amazing images on this uttarayan. Here we are contributing some important photography tips, which you should consider on this makar sankranti...

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21st November, 2018

What Is Candid Photography ?

Candid Photography is one the most popular Type of Photography these days. Candid Photography means capture true moment "AS IT IS". Anything you see you capture the moment as it is. Without giving pose or without disturbing the on going event you can capture true expressions of people with Candid...

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6th October, 2018

Improve your online presence using Google My Business

What do we do, when we need to find anything, of course we "Google It". Unknowingly it has become part of our daily life . So why not take benefits from the services provided by Google . One of these service is 'Google My Business' . Let's find out how can you improve online presence of...

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19th September, 2018

Are You a Professional Photographer ?

It is a famous debate topic in photography community about who is amateur photographer and who is professional photographer. We wish to resolve this debate with our perspective. So lets begin! Lets go basic. What is Photographer ? Definition of Photographer is changing time to time and person to person...

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19th August, 2018

Why We Celebrate World Photography Day?

 The date behind World Photography Day originates from the invention of the Daguerreotype, a photographic process developed by Joseph Nicèphore Nièpce and Louis Daguerre in 1837. On January 9, 1839, The French Academy of Sciences announced the daguerreotype process. A few months later, on August 19, 1839, the French government...

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